Winter is Coming....
/My son turned me on to The Game Of Thrones this summer. Season 7 had started so I had to catch up on the 1st 6 seasons quick. It was a slow start however once I got hooked I ended up binge watching the first 6 seasons over 4 or 5 days. Now I speak with a Scottish accent, and harm may come my way if I don't quit calling my wife "Wee Lil Lassie". If one day I turn up with translucent blue eyes, you'll know what happened.
Every year about mid-November I get two or three salespeople calling looking for ideas to generate more sales - right now! If you have been in the business for a while you know that winter and the upcoming holidays can affect the door swings. The problem is that by the time they call it is too late to generate a lot of sales right now.
My hope is that all sales people spend two hours a day doing some kind of Sales Funnel work - Shameless Self Promotion. Contact at least 20 people a day and introduce yourself and the store. 20 people a day at 5 days a week would be 400 touches a month. Some you will be able to sell soon, some later and some much later. Anyone not ready now "If not now when?" and put them in the CRM to remind yourself to start tickling them 6 months before.
If you are not doing this now - Get Started today!... Make prospecting a daily habit. You do have the time...
If you don't - this December could be The Battle of the Bastards at the door.
Can't wait for season 8...