Building Your Future Workshop
/Let’s Make 2018 “The Best Year Ever”
Best Years Ever Do Not Happen by Accident!
2017 is in the history books and we are off to a new race for 2018. If 2017 did not meet your goals and desires for self fulfillment and income, what can be done different this year to move to the next level? Wild success does not happen by accident or just watching the showroom door swing.
Start Recruiting and Training is planning a Building Your Future Workshop to show anyone with the desire to commit to the effort, how to Make 2018 your best year ever!
Quit HOPING and lets Make It Happen in 2018! When you complete this workshop, you will know exactly what your Daily Weekly and Monthly effort has to look like to achieve YOUR Goal and the Actions necessary to drive your business to the next level.
- What happened in 2017?
- What do you want to happen in 2018?
- How are we going to get there?
- How are we going to stay there?
February 13th Workshop Sessions:
- Morning 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
- Afternoon 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Start Alumni $69.00
Everyone Else $99.00