New Race

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New Race

We are out of the gates for the new 2018 race and I expect it to be a Record Year. The economic indicators are lining up to make 2018 the best year ever.

  • Consumer confidence/optimism is high.
  • Increases in discretionary income will make room in budgets for new cars.
  • Pent up demand. The average age of a car on the road is also a record high.
  • Stock Market Wealth. For those invested, it has been fantastic and I expect it to remain good once discretionary income translates into more sales and profits.

So make note that I said it first and hold me to it at the end of the year.

So now the question is - What do you have planned to make 2018 Your Best Year Ever?

We already know one of three things is going to happen.

  1. You will do better
  2. You will do the same
  3. You will do worse

Now the question, which one of these three options did you pick? If you picked better (and you better have) - how is it going to happen? If your plan is just wishing with the intent of repeating what you did last year - good luck.

”Fail to Plan and You are Planning to Fail”. - Ben Franklin

Lets Make a Plan

I am talking about planning out a specific picture on what you want 2018 to be for whatever personal reason you have to make it so. No plan and you are just hoping. Let’s get in front of the effort this year and then execute that planned effort on a daily basis so you understand what it feels like to leave the store at night beating on your chest, howling at the moon, knowing that YOU ARE THE MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE.

This is exactly why Eric and I have planned two 3 hour classes for Feb 13th. We have a morning and an afternoon session to help you make a specific plan based on what you want to get done in 2018. We still have seats available. So get registered and let’s make this your best year ever.

  • You will leave the class understanding your specific GOAL.
  • You will leave the class understanding the effort to achieve your goal.
  • You will leave the class with a plan for every day, week, and month.
  • You will understand what your strongest skills are and how to build off them.
  • You will also understand the one skill that will make the biggest difference for you and your success in 2018.
  • You will leave with ability to measure your success on the effort.
  • You will leave with ideas to positively affect changes to achieve success.

Classes are about half full, so we still have room. Register Here and commit to making this your BEST YEAR EVER!

It STARTS Here...