Be A Trusted Advisor - Counseling

Auto Sale Counseling Training

Sales - Be A Trusted Advisor!

Every week I interview new potential candidates and share with them:

"Nothing about this is brain surgery, however it is disciplined. We have a short sales cycle and we are not selling hats and t-shirts, We are selling $20,000, $40,000 , $100,000 merchandise that usually requires a 4 to 7-year financial commitment. "You need to be a PRO!"

I believe that if a sales person has entertained people in their home - they should have 90% of this skill set already.

For all the books, motivational and nuanced training, this is just a basic human curtesy interaction.

  1. Smile/Welcome
  2. Engage
  3. Lead
  4. Get Validated or Rejected


Should not have to explain this step unless you spend too much time on the internet.



Based on what happens right here can determine if this all falls apart before the demo drive or the customer leaves the store in a new car. Asking open ended questions and hearing the answers to complete the sale with a happy, excited customer is the objective.

It Starts at Counseling...

Start Recruiting and Training has a Counseling Workshop Planned for Match 15th to help salespeople present themselves as a value. We will be covering these topics designed to show a sales person how to engage with the customer to select the right car.

- Listening/Hearing to Undertand

- Building Rapport and Trust

- Understanding the customer Needs and Values

- Finding their Motivation to ACT

- Selecting the right Car

Pro's Grow

Register Today and Take your Skill Set To The Next Level